关于我们1981 - founding of the company bruckhoff & partner, supplied a full range of hearing instrument service 1983 - founding of the company bruckhoff apparatebau. The aim of the company was development and production of its own hearing instruments and accessoires, production for different industrial companies as well as OEM developments. 2009 - consolidation of bruckhoff & partner and bruckhoff apparatebau in bruckhoff hannover GmbH. This combination of a direct customer care and product development guarantees reliable an innovative products and services "Made in Germany". bruckhoff hannover offers a comprehensive range of services covering all aspects of hearing instruments. This includes manufacturing of special hearing aids as eyeglasses, a comprehensive repair service and the distribution of our products. 2013年,与中国**的助听器经销企业,北京神州鸿声听力科技有限公司合作,准备进驻中国市场,为中国人民服务。 2014年,bruckhoff 拉贝骨导助听器获批中国内全面上市,神州鸿声为其大中华区总代理。 拉贝助听器的生产商是德国布鲁克霍夫汉诺威股份有限公司。该公司成立于1981年,位于德国下萨克森州的首府汉诺威市。公司致力于助听器设备及配件的开发与生产,其生产的助听器产品符合欧盟医疗器械标准(编号93/42/EEC)的要求。拉贝以其先进的技术、精湛的工艺、时尚的外观获得众多听障人士的喜爱,畅销于欧洲、北美、亚洲、澳洲等数十个国家。 北京神州鸿声听力科技有限公司首次将拉贝引入中国大陆,并成为该产品在中国地区的总代理。高品质的拉贝给中国的用户带来了福音。 神州鸿声听力引进的拉贝产品分为骨传导型、空气传导型两大系列共八个型号。外观分为眼镜式、头夹式和头带式三种类型。
独特的设计理念与时尚外观 纯正的德国技术与工艺 ****的产品由神州鸿声听力**代理为您呈现!